by relationshipswell | Mar 26, 2020 | Faith & Spirituality
There’s a Christian song by Sarah Reeves that I’ve heard on the radio lately, and it has me thinking. The chorus of the song (Just Want You) starts with these words, “I don’t want it if You’re not in it. I just want You.” As I sing...
by relationshipswell | Feb 14, 2020 | Uncategorized
Have you ever heard someone say that for guys “it’s all about the chase?” While I don’t think this is 100% true, there is something to be said about the joy found in pursuing—not just a potential mate, but a potential life. Going after what you want,...
by relationshipswell | Jan 9, 2020 | Friendships & Relationships
The one thing they don’t teach you in college — well, they don’t teach you a lot of things — but this is a big one: They don’t teach you how to make friends out in the real world. College and even high school are ergonomically designed for you to...
by relationshipswell | Nov 28, 2019 | Faith & Spirituality
I told God, “I don’t care anymore.” And He told me I finally understood humble surrender. I’m a planner. I always have been, and it is a trait that has followed me–sometimes causing problems but always providing me with a sense of stability and...
by relationshipswell | Aug 22, 2019 | Friendships & Relationships
Sometimes we need to hear another point of view. This is one of the benefits of having people in your life who you trust and who are trustworthy. They can help you see a situation in a new light, offer advice, and help you grow. That is if we let them. A few days ago,...