by relationshipswell | Aug 15, 2019 | Friendships & Relationships, Work & Community
We do a lot of things every day from the mundane, day-to-day tasks like going to a store, driving our car, or checking our mail to the bigger and more time-consuming things like going to work or spending time with our friends and family. And 1 Corinthians 16:14 offers...
by relationshipswell | Aug 8, 2019 | Friendships & Relationships, Work & Community
Finding where you fit in life isn’t always the easiest, smoothest, most comfortable feat. Oftentimes, it takes time, and that’s okay. It’s okay if your first job isn’t your dream career, your first church isn’t where God is calling you to...
by relationshipswell | May 23, 2019 | Friendships & Relationships
Selfless love, support, and encouragement aren’t the easiest things to come by. And if we’re being honest, it isn’t the easiest thing to give either. However, having this as an active attribute in your romantic relationship is vital for the overall...
by relationshipswell | Mar 28, 2019 | Friendships & Relationships
Are you wondering how to comfort your friend who is suffering or dealing with a loss? That is so kind of you. Because for me, I’ve never felt more alone than I did when my mom died. It was as if I was by myself in an alternate reality and was the only one...
by relationshipswell | Mar 21, 2019 | Faith & Spirituality, Friendships & Relationships
My boyfriend doesn’t believe in God. Of course, the thought crossed my mind, but I didn’t think of it as that big of an issue, especially because we’d only gone on a few dates, and it wasn’t anything serious. Plus, at that time in my life, a...