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Conversation Starters for Friends: Questions to Ask a Friend

Conversation Starters for Friends, Questions to ask a friend, how to make friends, friends, friendships, relationships, friendship advice

Meeting new people, establishing strong friendships, and maintaining those relationships takes work. You have to be bold, consistent, and persistent. Whether you’re meeting a Bumble friend in person for the first time or are looking for ways to go deeper in your current relationships, here are conversation starters for friends.

Questions to Ask a Friend

Open-ended questions are a great way to learn more about someone and keep the conversation flowing. You can ask both lighthearted and deep questions depending on how comfortable you are with each other. The deeper you go, the stronger your bond becomes. From surface-level to profound, here are great questions to ask a friend to get the conversation started, whether one-on-one or in a group setting. 

Tips for Using Conversation Starters with Friends

The above questions to ask a friend are great conversation starters to go deeper and get to know someone better. However, there’s more to developing a meaningful friendship than asking good questions. You also need to be an active participant in the conversation. Here are some ways to do that.

Listen Closely and Respond Appropriately

Having a list of conversation starters for friends is a great way to start a conversation. That doesn’t mean you need to make it through the entire list in one chat. In fact, I highly recommend you don’t because you don’t want the conversation to turn into what feels like an interrogation. To avoid that from happening, listen closely to your friend’s responses. And then respond to those responses. You may only need to use one question for an entire lunch because it might naturally evolve into a longer conversation. When you actively listen, you can appropriately respond and have a well-rounded chat from one question. 

Share Your Answers, Too

You might even consider sharing them first to get the ball rolling. Vulnerability is essential in a relationship, but it can also feel a bit nerve-racking, especially in a new friendship. Build trust by showing up and being open. The deeper you go, the deeper your friend will feel comfortable going, too.

Make Room for Their Questions

You might not be the only one coming to the conversation with questions. So be sure to make space for your friend to ask their fair share of questions too. Answer honestly and authentically to improve the friendship from the start. If you’re uncomfortable with a question, ask your friend to answer first. Their vulnerability might help you feel more comfortable. If you simply don’t want to answer a question, say that! You can always come back to it at a later time. 

Challenge Yourself to Use Conversation Starters for Friends

Now you have a list of questions to ask a friend and know how to start an engaging conversation. Next, it’s time to go out and give it a try. Ask a friend out for coffee or plan a lunch date. Making friends and maintaining relationships takes effort. If you’re looking for more tips on making friends, check out this blog post where I talk about the one thing you MUST DO to make friends.

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