How to Go for It to Achieve Your Goals and Dreams

How to Go for It to Achieve Your Goals and Dreams

Just go for it. Easy to say. Harder to do. When it comes to achieving your goals and accomplishing your dreams, sometimes you really do have to step out in faith and just go for it. However, from personal experience, I like to follow what I call the four...
Why Journal? 3 Ways Journaling Helps Me Daily

Why Journal? 3 Ways Journaling Helps Me Daily

I’ve always loved to write, so it’s no surprise that I’ve been journaling since a very young age. Some of my filled-up journals have stayed with me throughout the years, and I enjoy reading what I thought and experienced back then. Journal entries...
How to Live with No Regrets (and Still Make Rent)

How to Live with No Regrets (and Still Make Rent)

By age 26, I had lost both of my parents to illness. This caused me to really start thinking about the importance of being intentional with my time – with my life. Everyone wants to know how to live with no regrets. How to make the most of the days, weeks, months, and...